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Transporting energy in a safe, reliable and timely manner is a key component of our business. Our experienced chartering team has access to competitive and flexible shipping, covering the full spectrum of ship sizes, from VLCCs all the way down to coastal barges. Having built strong relationships with the terminal operators, our operations team works closely with them to ensure each transaction is completed smoothly and efficiently. In any given month, Storage Logistics LLC manages more than 30 active ship voyages.
With a history of numerous years and a focus on sustainability, we ensure safe, efficient and clean storage and handling of liquid products for our customers. Our tanks at the terminals are capable of multiple types of cargo handling operations rail-in, rail-out, ship-in, ship-out and ship-to-ship operations and the terminal are capable of receiving which VLCCs. The terminal offers high pumping rates per hour which allows efficient loading and unloading of large vessels.
The tank facilities are equipped with flexible pipeline routings that permit simultaneous handling of different product qualities as well as complex blending operations. The tank facilities has advanced control and cleaning systems to maintain multiple product segregation.
We deploy a number of other shipping and logistics strategies including making bulk, breaking bulk and storing for future use.
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