Storage Logistics LLCStorage Logistics LLC

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Governance AND Compliance


Storage Logistics LLC is a private company founded in 2014.
Storage Logistics LLC is owned by a significant proportion of its employees, providing a diverse and stable shareholder base which gives the company a long-term outlook and a considered approach to risk.

Mission Statement

To be a global player in the commodities trading, logistics management industries by upholding high professional standards of business integrity and maintaining its impeccable reputation, while continuously maximizing value to key stakeholders.

Our core values


Promote integrity, fairness and honesty in all our business relationships


Respect the well-being of all internal and external stakeholders


Strive for excellence in everything we do

Equal Opportunity:

Employ and reward individuals based exclusively on their merit and competence

Value Delivery:

Deliver value to all our stakeholders

Corporate Governance StatemenT

Storage Logistics LLC is committed to maintaining globally high standards of business integrity and ethics, while adopting international best practice principles to ensure transparency in its reporting and fairness in its commercial activities.

Compliance Statement

Storage Logistics LLC complies with all statutory government laws, rules and regulations applicable to Storage Logistics LLC’s business and the jurisdictions in which it operates. Where local law is less stringent than Storage Logistics LLC’s Code of Conduct, the latter is followed.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Storage Logistics LLC has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption and does not permit any of its employees, senior managers and/or directors to engage in acts of bribery or corruption. Storage Logistics LLC expects the same level of compliance from any third parties associated with the company.

Anti-Money Laundering

Storage Logistics LLC does not support nor facilitate money laundering in any form. Storage Logistics LLC will comply with all anti-money laundering regulations applicable in each of the jurisdictions in which it operates.


Storage Logistics LLC will not conduct business dealings with any individual or entity in breach of sanctions.  To ensure that we comply with all applicable sanctions laws and regulations, Storage Logistics LLC monitors relevant sanctions mentioned on applicable Advisory Notices and Guidance.

Customer Due Diligence

Before engaging or conducting any business with third parties, Storage Logistics LLC conducts reasonable and appropriate risk based due diligence to satisfy Sanctions requirements and also to avoid time wasters, importsors and scammers.

Gifts and Business Entertainment

Storage Logistics LLC employees are expressly prohibited from giving/receiving gifts that act as a bribe, kickback or facilitation payment. Storage Logistics LLC employees may never ask for gifts, gratuities or other items that benefit them personally.

Conflicts of Interest

An employee shall not use his position with Storage Logistics LLC to gain advantage for his/her self or for others or use his/her influence to facilitate someone to obtain a benefit or preferential treatment.

Copyright © 2014 - 2025   Storage Logistics LLC.